Monday, October 26, 2015


This last week my brother and MTC buddy, Elder Perkins and I were able to go on exchanges. He is my zone leader so technically this should have happened multiple times but this was probably the only time because I may be leaving in two weeks. But, who's to say?
As Elder Perkins and I were contacting we ran into an Amah (women older than dinosaurs) who just pointed at us and kept calling us pretty. She was really funny and was super into white people haha. After a little bit of talking to her she gave us apples that she got for free because they went bad. They were pretty rotten and sort of useless but it was nice of her.

Later, we ran into this guy who would take whatever we gave him and would listen. But he didn't say one word ever so we kind of got bored and decided to go. As we were leaving I shook his hand and then Elder Perkins shook his hand and the guy just squeezed as hard as he could. It was really funny and very confusing.

The next morning at the track we were doing some stretches and another Amah came a'walkin by. She had quite the strut on as she successively let loose some inner air between each step. It was kind of funny, but immature of us to think so.
Right after the exchange, at about 8:30 we were out finding. We are supposed to be home by 9:00 so we were sort of looking for a miracle when I ran into Jimmy Dai. Brother Dai was a very nice guy. At the beginning of the conversation he was being very Buddhist with us, but by the end after some real talk he sort of realized there might be more than what he previously thought. He prayed a few times and kind of practiced and we gave him a Book of Mormon.

It was a great experience and shows that when you have a willing heart, contrite spirit and a smile on your face God will let you experience some miracles!

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Henry David Christensen 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

烏龜 (tortoise)

In accordance with the title, this last week was slow! Most of our investigators were unable to meet with us and we were outside on the street biking from person to person trying to strike up a conversation good enough to lead to salvation. However, we did not see very much success. 
I am trying this next we to be a little more consecrated and focused on my investigators at all times. I ask for your prayers to help me be able to do so.
In most contacts we usually will start by giving them an English tract and an invite to English class, then we'll try to take it from there into a spiritual discussion. Sometimes we don't start that way but that method, carried down from our fathers, works pretty well a lot of the time. Most people here are pretty "open" with religion, but in reality don't even understand their own beliefs. 
This makes it difficult because for them it is like trying to fight a man with your legs tied. They don't know who the enemy is either, so it makes fighting the natural man and satan himself quite the challenge. 
Elder Tang is my district leader. He is from California but his mom is from Taiwan and his dad from Hong Kong, so he is pretty Asian. About half of my companion's and mine discussions are about him and all his Tangness. He is a very quirky dude. We love him a lot. 
One cool experience (that probably didn't seem much to him) was when we were reporting this last week's indicators. Our indicators weren't terrible, but they we not as good as they should have been. In the past district leaders would be stern or harsh and I would always think "what am I doing wrong here?" but Elder Tang responded differently. He was very understanding and only encouraged us to keep going. It was well needed and this week is already better. I also could testify that listening humbly to leaders is the only way to be happy and successful in whatever work you are affiliated with. I also testify that doing so is really hard, but again 會帶來祝福. (It will bring blessings.)

Elder Henry David Christensen 
mowing lawns in Taiwan!

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Today is my year mark of being in Taiwan. Last year, yesterday, I was on a plane, didn't live a second the of the 4th of October, and landed on the 5th. I stepped off the plane and was sweating bullets in seconds. It is weird to think about. I feel like then I was in a different state. Whether it was a state of mind or the state of Taiwan, I am not sure. I feel I have grown a lot since then. Hopefully by my fruits you will know me...
Speaking of fruits, I cleaned out our fridge this morning. We had a lot of apples that I think had been there since the dawn of time, but I am not sure. Either way they're bad apples. We didn't eat them yet. 
This week I was feeling artsy, so I took a whole bunch of pictures of my area. It was fun to see the contrast a 20 minute bike ride can bring here. Everything is close by, even by bike. 
The other day we rode up into the mountains and looked over the city and then rode a little farther till we reached what some might call a grassy knoll. There we pitched our tents and camped out for a few days.There were wild bears all around but we ended up ok. (he is kidding).
In Abraham 3:27 it says " And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me. And another answered and said: Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will send the first." 你若是第一位要做神的事你就會得到快樂! (translation: If you are the first one to do the things of God and you will be happy!)

Elder Henry David Christensen

I am excited to hear conference soon but not yet.. not yet.. We are behind america on that.

I pray for you guys too. 
Love you a whole bunch!