Wednesday, September 9, 2015

On Saturday we were able to take one of our ward's less-active recent converts to the temple. His name is Brother Meng (孟) and he is super handsome. I didn't get any pictures with him yet but you'll see him later I'm sure. 
Anyways, the day was sort of crazy. We hopped on a train at 10:30, did baptisms at about 1:30 and were home by 4:00. Of course, missionaries can't do baptisms for the dead, so instead I was a witness. It was a smooth day and afterward we went and got Douhua with Brother Meng. (Douhua,豆花 is bean curd and is super good.)
don't pay any mind to the mung milk.
Sunday, we said goodbye to Penny, who was one of our investigators. She is moving to Taidong for school and we probably won't see her again in Zhubei for quite some time. Previously she had a baptismal date for the second of this month but she prayed about it and received an answer through the scriptures that her "promised land" was in Taidong and that she would be baptized there by the Elder who taught her very first, Elder Nielsen. It is a miracle to say the least. When I talked to Elder Nielsen, he said that she had not been interested at the time he had tried teaching her. As you can imagine the news was warmly welcomed. The best part is, before she left she gave us a note in which she said that she believes this church is true. It was a very happy moment for me, because I was truly able to see the love of Christ through her. We are very excited for Penny!
Here my apartment. UR welcome.

Brother Zhu Zhen Ming will be getting baptized on the 19th of this month, which is coming pretty soon, so we made some plans with him yesterday to hit his goal. He wanted to be baptized on the 13th, but we haven't taught him all the lessons, so he was a little sad about that, but he is excited to reach this new goal. 
Brother Zhu is a very large man, with very large glasses. He loves children and is like unto a lamb. Very calm, happy and he always brings the spirit with him. Over the last few weeks we have seen a large change in him. He started shaving before church, and he even bought a white shirt and dress pants. He told us next week he is buying a tie and we are going to give him one too. And although he doesn't yet fully understand the Book of Mormon, he believes in it. He also has a huge testimony on prayer and constantly shares it with us. We are also very very excited for him. 
I personally know this is the work of God. I am very grateful for my time here and I am so grateful for the wonderful people of Taiwan.


Elder Henry David Christensen 
Penny my investigator drew this picture for me

Here is us last P-Day at the beach with a sword. I went with my friend Reicong again. AND today we are visiting DAXI where I started my mission haha yay.

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